Create a Breakthrough Belief in 2017
The limits we set for ourselves exist in our minds. What are you going to change in 2017 to finally have a breakthrough belief?
The Coaching Tip
The Russian Olympian Vasili Alexeev was trying to break a weight-lifting record of 500 pounds. He had lifted 499 but couldn't lift 500.
Finally his trainers put 501.5 pounds on his bar and rigged it so it looked like 499 pounds. Of course, you know the story. He lifted it easily.
Once he created this new reality, other weight lifters went on to break his record. Why? Because they now knew it was possible to lift 500 pounds.
The limits we set for ourselves exist in our minds. Sometimes, if we let our hearts do the talking and believe in our ability to overcome past perceptions, we can create another reality.
a girl design
Barbara Lindahl-Christensen
Bija Coaching
breakthrough belief
Coach Barbara
life coaching