Be A Fire Walker - Take On The Big Scary
You get the theory and mindset stuff if you are starting a business. That is what we use as our core self development. Don’t get me wrong, that’s important and I will continue to share more about that as always on this blog and the Facebook page. But there’s also something to be said for simple, actionable tips or confidence hacks. That’s what today’s blog post is all about.
It’s simple and something you can, and should do today. While it’s simple, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. The idea is to pick something you’re scared of (or worried about, or putting off because you’re not sure you can do it) and do it anyway.
I challenge you to start doing this today and then continue it as often as possible. Going forward, you should be doing something that scares you several times per week.
Obviously what you pick to do will be very individual and different from person to person. That being said, it helps to look at some ideas to get started. This will give you a feel for the type of stuff I’m talking about and the scope of it.
Maybe you thought it had to be a big scary task that I’m asking you to do and by looking through the examples below you realize that it can be something much smaller that you can actually see yourself doing. Maybe you like the idea of doing something you’re scared of, but can’t think of a single thing you could do today. The list of ideas may spark a thought for something unique to you that you can do to spark your business and spark important changes in your life!
- Fast for a day or until dinner. This is a huge part of my current wellness program because it makes such an impact and lessons the body / mind load.
- Skip coffee and other caffeinated drinks for the day. Find out what real energy is all about.
- Don’t let yourself hit the snooze button. Get up as soon as your alarm goes off. Jump up, start with some gratitude exercises and get off on your day.
- Ask a friend to go for a walk with you once a week. Heck, every day! I used to walk with my best friend back in Utah. Those were some of the most valuable days of my life.
- Go introduce yourself to the new neighbors. You may not realize how important they will become in your life.
- Ask your boss for a raise. If you want to keep working, ask for what you are worth.
- Let your child go on a sleep-over. If you homeschool like I do, this was the hardest challenge of the last year for me. But she had a blast and I survived and even enjoyed a night out with my spouse.
- Go out to dinner by yourself and enjoy alone time. Do you know how to be alone with yourself?
- Book a surprise weekend trip for yourself and your partner.
- Sign up for that class you’ve always wanted to take.
- Try a new cooking technique or a new food.
- Fix or make something with the help of YouTube.
- Share a picture of yourself and your weight loss or fitness plans on social media.
- Invite a friend over for coffee even though your house is a mess.
- Ask that one friend if they would like to join you in business or as a customer.
I hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration to make your own list. Now, go make it a habit to regularly do things that scare you a little. When you make yourself do them, and work through that fear or resistance, you’ll come out stronger and more confident on the other side. Doing what you’re scared of is a great courage building habit.
afraid of phone calls
business boutique
business tips
Fire Walking
introvert business
Personal Coaching
self confidence
small business mom