Nourishing Your Business I A Girl Design - Barbara Christensen

How To Nourish Your Business

I want to discuss the Nourished In 30 program that I developed last year. Many of you may not realize that I was the creator of the Paleo Vegeo lifestyle. It's something that I am quite proud of. I was telling people that they could be paleo without meat when it sounded like it was crazy. But crazy is something that I often find to be innovation in the business arena. Like I teach I am passionate about this lifestyle. It's authentically who I am. That is why when I organically created the Paleo Vegeo blog, and the Social Media Facebook page I didn't ask all of my friends to join me there. Organic means it grows without the support of traditional means. I didn't want those that weren't into the lifestyle to join me, because I was creating a tribe of crazies that would want to follow and celebrate our green happy choices together.

Through the year I created something that I was proud of, and that was the Nourished In 30 challenge that I used with my Wellness Coaching clients. Always market in an order that makes sense. It doesn't always make sense to push out your first creation of something to the full marketplace.

I started where I would want someone to start me, with information. I created something educational so that not only would the person that gets my program understand where it was coming from, but they would see that it's not black and white. Everyone is a little different and modification is needed as I've seen as a personal trainer, and as a holistic coach. Then I moved into functionality, with quick results. Everyone wants some fast movement these days. Right?

I got personal, and shared a lot of myself, and my opinions, and invited others to give me feedback. That feedback went into the first, second and third released drafts of my ebook, and then into the final draft several months later that I released on Amazon.