For Over A Decade This Stays True
My PR Web Release from 2004, just a few years after I started this coaching business. And I love how much of what I was creating has stayed the course! What will 2017 bring! Let's take that moment to envision it together!!
'Coaching is a catalyst to transform your life, helping you to open your mind to what is possible and supporting you as you take steps to fulfill your true potential. It can also help you move more rapidly through old limiting beliefs toward the life you consciously create. With coaching, you have the room to explore your life and enhance your personal power. Many people in the business world have hired business coaches to help them with thier business. Coaching can also have a positive effect on your personal life and well-being as well as on your business.
'Coaching is a catalyst to transform your life, helping you to open your mind to what is possible and supporting you as you take steps to fulfill your true potential. It can also help you move more rapidly through old limiting beliefs toward the life you consciously create. With coaching, you have the room to explore your life and enhance your personal power. Many people in the business world have hired business coaches to help them with thier business. Coaching can also have a positive effect on your personal life and well-being as well as on your business.
"I've spent literally hundreds of hours looking for solutions for my own small business, while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a healthy home life." says Barbara Lindahl-Christensen, small business owner of BIJA. "In life you have your daily business (Mind), you have to be healthy and take care of yourself (Body) and you need to have a happy family life as well (Soul). I try to work with my clients to bring a well-rounded balance to all three of these areas of your life. I've had many people say, "What a lot of different areas you've gone into business in." At BIJA we don't see them as truly being different. For when one area is out of balance, they are all out of balance. And that what BIJA is all about -- bringing back the balance to one, two or all three areas through what we term as being "Soul-utions for your business and life."
BIJA's C.O.R.E reflection is "To bring balance to our clients work life and home life while enriching their relationships and enriching our own live." Through each client we are able to learn more, while assisting another in finding the right balance for their own life. We find ways to give clients back some of the time from their day, and to find happiness again. Recently BIJA assisted the The Musik Nest in Issaquah, Washington to get their business redesigned online and to allow the owner more time for balance in her life. She has been able to add her retail products to an online store, and offers her clients online registration that lessens her time spent on the phone each day. Rebecca Heib, the owner of The Musik Nest stated, "I can't thank you again for all your help. Your work is so wonderful and to tell you the truth, it really has given me something to smile about."
At BIJA we help you evaluate your general life and business concerns. We then assist you to identify, understand, manage and optimize your own mind-body-soul balance, which is directly related to all areas of your life and business. Through this balance you get the best from both worlds and you can use your time to it's full potential, which, in turn, results in a direct and positive effect on your life at all levels. We also facilitate and develop a personalized action plan to improve and achieve your desired changes short-term and long-term. This action plan will incorporate self-development tools, as well as easy-to-follow minor adjustments to implement, in order to help you create the life-style you want.
Our development comes directly from one-on-one interaction. Often when one client has a question, other clients have already looked for the solution. Through our own prior work and research for many clients it's a more efficient and cost-effective way to get soul-utions for themselves.
BIJA publishes a free weekly tip letter informing subscribers of new resources and solutions to improve their business. When asked why she does this, Barbara says, "BIJA allows other small business owners to leverage my research to stimulate their own talents and skills to accelerate their success with exclusive reviews and analysis from one business owner to another. I really just want to make it easier for them to succeed at what they're already doing. ÂBija is from the Sanskrit word meaning ÂseedÂ. I want to help them to plant the seed and grow a bountiful future."
a girl design
Barbara Lindahl-Christensen
business coaching
Coach Barbara
Design your business
Flash Business Strategy
wellness coaching
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